Hello custodial parent - you are important
That you are important in your child's life goes without saying. You are also important to your child's results at school. Here we talk about how we work in our preschools and primary schools. You will also find out more about how you can help your child during school. Together, we give the children the best prerequisites on their school journey.
Sweden's best school
Our vision is to have the best school in Sweden! As a custodial parent, you have an important role to play in this work. We strive to increase our results in knowledge, quality and security. We start from both research and good experience to create the best conditions to make it possible. We call the path there the School Journey. The school journey has helped us improve our school results. We are proud of our results which are stable at a high level. We want children and pupils to be safe in preschool and school. We also want our activities to maintain a high quality of education. Our ambition is for the pupils to continue to improve their results.
We want to become Sweden's best municipality school
Our goal is for all children and pupils to feel good. We strive to ensure that all students have full grades and are eligible for further studies. Our teachers and pedagogues make use of relevant research and proven experience to develop their way of work and methods.
You are important
Your role as custodial parent
Your child has an amazing time ahead of them. A time full of new impressions and experiences. Starting school can also mean a big change in your child's life. It means more expectations for the child to be able to handle things by themselves. For example, keeping times, understanding instructions and keeping track of their things. Together we create good conditions to facilitate your child’s learning abilities and development. It is a joint responsibility between the school and you. We want to have a close collaboration with you as the custodial parent. We focus on what is best for just your child in particular.
Good prerequisites for success and enjoyment in preschool and primary school
Here you will find tips on how you can help your child in different ways during school. Every child has different prerequisites, so something that works for some children may not work for others. You, as the custodial parent, of course know your child best and therefore have the best understanding of your child's needs.
Routines and health
Many children are more secure with fixed routines. In addition to basic needs such as food,
sleep and exercise, you have the ability to create routines for school work. If your child has
homework to do at home, you can decide together when and where it should be done. You
can also come to an agreement on whether or not you will sit and help. Another thing that is
good to find routines for, is how to remember which days there is sports or if there is an
excursion planned.
Language development
When you read aloud to your child, you help the child develop both their vocabulary and
imagination. If you speak in another language than Swedish at home, it is good to read books in that language as well. Books usually contain a more rich and colourful language than our everyday speech. Together we help your child develop their language!
Show interest
Show interest in how the child's day has been. For example, you can ask what they have
learned today. You can ask the child if something fun, boring or exciting happened during the day. If you make a habit of it to talk about how your day has been, it can simplify
for the child to even tell about something that has been not so good.
Encourage often
You can help your child focus on their progress. Highlight and praise what works well. It will
motivate your child more than if you focus on what is not working well.
Stress and performance anxiety
When a child is not feeling well at school, it can be due to several different things. Sometimes the problem can be related to the school, and other times it can be due to something else. It can be about friends, being at ease with oneself or learning difficulties, sometimes even bullying and abusive treatment.
If your child is unwell for any reason, it can affect both school work and leisure time. Here it
is important that we together make an effort to understand why your child feels anxious and
stressed. Therefore, it is good to have a dialogue with your child's preschool teacher or
teacher to try to understand where the problem lies.
Collaboration with your child's preschool and school
Performance review in school
Once every semester we have performance review. Then you will meet the child's teacher and talk about how the child is faring in school and how they are doing in various subjects. You discuss how the child can develop their knowledge and the child can lay out their own
If the teacher thinks your child might need extra support in a subject, then you will talk about that as well. Attendance and compulsory schooling in Sweden we have compulsory school attendance in primary school. Attending school is a right for all children and young people between the ages of 6 and 16.
It is you as custodial parent who are responsible for your child's attendance at preschool or
primary school. If your child cannot come to school for any reason, you need to notify them
according to the school's procedures. Preschool is not mandatory, but you will still need to
notify if your child is absent.
If your child is absent without you having reported it, the school must notify you on the same day. If the period of absence is more extensive, the school will contact you as a the custodial parent to find out the reason and call to a meeting. Pursuant to the Education Act, the school is required to include absenteeism in the final grade 9.
For us, it is important that all pupils receive the schooling they are entitled to. If your child
needs to take time off, you need to put in an application for it. The school makes an assessment in each individual case. Then we look at the length of the leave, the pupil's study situation, how urgent the leave is for the student and the student's opportunity to compensate for the lost education.
Läsårstider, lov och ledigheter
Performance review in preschool
At the preschool's performance review, you will have the chance to meet one of the child's
teachers. You will be talking about how the child thrives, develops and learns. You can get
information about the preschool's activities in different ways. It can be about weekly letters,
documentation, posted notices at the preschool or meetings, either on site or digital.
Good results in school
The school creates the prerequisites for your child's results, together with you we work for
your child to succeed.
Reviews and grades in primary school
From preschool up to grade 5, pupils will receive subject reviews which show how they are
doing at school. In grade 6, children will begin to be graded each term. The grades show where how your child stands in relation to the knowledge requirements set by the National Agency for Education.
There are six grades; A, B, C, D, E and F. A is the highest grade and grade F means that the
pupil has not reached the knowledge requirement in that particular subject.
National tests
In years 3, 6 and 9, students take national tests. It is the National Agency for Education who
writes the exams together with the universities. They are called national tests because they are exactly the same for all pupils in Sweden. The national tests help the teacher to set fair grades.
Learning to read and write with digital aids
Digitization is one of the school's focus areas in Sollentuna. For us, it is therefore self-evident to use digital aids in school. Through new pedagogical methods and research, we create better conditions for pupils to learn to read and write. This means that more pupils learn more easily and meet their goals. Digitization in Sollentuna takes place responsibly with purpose and goals.
A safe school for everyone
Core values
The preschool and primary school have a democratic mission. We encourage an environment where all children feel safe and respected. We teach the children that all people have equal value and rights. It also means that everyone has the right to think what they want and be treated fairly.
Important values:
- 'All people are of equal value.
- Everyone in the preschool and school has respect for each other.
- Everyone in the preschool and school is responsible for a good working environment.
Security and a calm study environment
Security and a calm study environment are important to us. It is a priority issue at our
preschools and schools. It helps the children to feel better and get better results in school. We want security and a calm study environment to permeate through the entire school journey.
That is why we have prepared a special action plan for it. Our staff in preschools and primary schools have the primary responsibility to ensure that we all follow the plan. You as custodial parents are also important. You help your child understand that together we can create a good working environment.
We prevent bullying
At Sollentuna, we are working actively to prevent and counteract all types of bullying and violations. Our municipal schools are using the so-called Olweus program. The program is based on research. It is about creating a safe school environment where students can learn and thrive. A lot of focus is on warmth, commitment and clear boundaries. The program also helps teachers and pedagogues deal with situations where bullying still thrives.
All children and pupils must receive help
Special support, study guidance and mother tongue teaching.
Special support
All children and pupils must receive help. All children are unique. It is also their needs and prerequisites to be able to learn in the best way. The school is responsible for ensuring that the learning environment and teaching work for your particular child.
It is our responsibility to help your child develop in the best way. Therefore, adjustments will be taken if necessary. If the child's teacher determines that the child needs special support, the school must resolve it as soon as possible. This applies to both municipal and independent schools in Sollentuna.
There may be a need for special support if your child has difficulty reaching the set goals in a subject. The school must start an investigation into special support. If the investigation shows a need for special support, the school must establish a program of action. The pupil and you as custodial parent must be given the opportunity to participate when a program of action is drawn up.
In conversation with the school, you will be given ample opportunity to give your view of the
situation at school, the pupil's strengths and weaknesses, and come up with your own
suggestions of measures. Studies show that it is of great importance that pupils and their
custodial parents are active in the development of program of action for it to be successful.
The school has a responsibility to strive for a functioning collaboration between home and
It is the school principal who decides what type of support a child should receive. It can be
about individual support in a subject or teaching in a smaller context. The pupil can receive
help and support for a shorter period or throughout the school term.
Extra anpassning och särskilt stöd
Children who do not want to attend school
For some children, going to school can be a struggle. Please contact the teacher as early as
possible if you notice that your child is not comfortable. Together we can talk about your
child's needs and situation. We help create structure and increase the feeling of well-being and security.
Study guidance. Does your child have a mother tongue other than Swedish? Does your child
have difficulties in following the teaching in Swedish and issues in achieving the knowledge
requirements required in one or several subjects? Then it is good for you to know that it is the school's responsibility to help your child. One way might be to offer study guidance in the pupil's own language.
Student counselling
Does your child have a mother tongue other than Swedish? Does your child have difficulties
in following the teaching in Swedish and issues in achieving the knowledge requirements
required in one or several subjects? Then it is good for you to know that it is the school's
responsibility to help your child. One way might be to offer study guidance in the pupil's own language.
Mother tongue tuition
In addition to study guidance, pupils can also receive separate instructions in their native
language. By mastering their mother tongue, your child will also find it easier to learn other
languages. Mother tongue teaching is a subject of its own. It has its own curriculum and its
own knowledge requirements. If you want your child to receive mother tongue education,
apply for it.
Ansök om modersmål - Centrum för integration och flerspråkighet i Sollentuna
Child and student health
Student health gives pupils access to a school doctor, school nurse, counsellor, psychologist and special pedagogical interventions. They work in prevention and health promotion and supports pupils’ development toward the goals of the school. School health service is the medical part with a school nurse and school doctor. They follow up the pupils’ health and development and give advice on a healthy lifestyle. They also offer vaccinations.
Sports is important for well-being and concentration
We humans feel good about moving and being physically active. We find it easier when the pulse and heart are allowed to work. It applies to both adults and children. Therefore, sports is an important subject in the school curricula. The school also makes sure to introduce movement and activity in different ways during the day. It helps children understand the importance of moving.
Parental support
Being a parent can be difficult at times. In Sollentuna, there is parental support. Parental
support is offered by the social welfare office and is free of charge. What is offered:
- Individual support for parents.
- Parental support in groups.
- Parent education.
- Consultation for schools and preschools.